- * 2025 Nashville Market Preorder
- **Clearance SALE
- *Clubs
- *Focus on a Designer - Sale->
- Beads
- Bell Pull, Thread Keep & more
- Buttons, Pins, Trims & Velveteen
- Calendar & Magazines
- Cross Stitch Patterns->
- |_ Alessandra Adelaide Needleworks
- |_ All Through the Night
- |_ Amy Bruecken Designs
- |_ Anabella's
- |_ Annalee Waite Designs
- |_ Annie Beez Folk Art
- |_ Ardith Designs
- |_ Art to Heart
- |_ Artecy Cross Stitch
- |_ Artful Offerings
- |_ Artists Alley
- |_ Artsy Housewife
- |_ AuryTM
- |_ Autumn Lane
- |_ Barbara Ana Designs
- |_ Bella Filipina
- |_ Bent Creek
- |_ Birds of a Feather
- |_ Blackberry Lane Designs
- |_ Blackbird Designs
- |_ Blueberry Ridge Designs
- |_ Boulder Valley Stitching
- |_ By The Bay Needleart
- |_ ByGone Stitches
- |_ Carolyn Manning Designs
- |_ Carriage House Samplings
- |_ Cherished Stitches
- |_ Cherry Blossoms
- |_ Cherry Hill Stitchery
- |_ Chessie & Me
- |_ Collection Tralala
- |_ Cosford Rise Stitchery
- |_ Cottage Garden Samplings
- |_ Cotton Pixels
- |_ Counting Puddles
- |_ Country Cottage Needleworks
- |_ Courtney Collection
- |_ Cricklewood Crossing
- |_ Crocette A Gogo
- |_ Cross Stitch Antiques
- |_ Cuore e Batticuore
- |_ Dames of the Needle
- |_ Dirty Annies
- |_ Erica Michaels
- |_ Erin Elizabeth Designs
- |_ Faby Reilly Designs
- |_ Fairy Wool In The Wood
- |_ Fern Ridge Collections
- |_ Filigram
- |_ Finally A Farmgirl
- |_ Fine Frog Stitching
- |_ Flossabilities
- |_ Forbidden Fiber Co.
- |_ Fox And Rabbit Designs
- |_ Frog Cottage Designs
- |_ From the Heart
- |_ Frony Ritter
- |_ Glendon Place
- |_ Goodman Strobl Creates
- |_ Hands on Design
- |_ Haystack Stitching
- |_ Heart in Hand Needleart
- |_ Heartstring Samplery
- |_ Hello from Liz Mathews
- |_ Hobby House Press
- |_ Homespun Elegance
- |_ Imaginating
- |_ Ingleside Imaginarium
- |_ Ink Circles
- |_ Jan Hicks Creates
- |_ Jardin Prive
- |_ JBW Designs
- |_ Jean Farish Needlearts
- |_ Jeannette Douglas Designs
- |_ Jim Shore Publications
- |_ Just Another Button Company
- |_ Just Nan
- |_ Kathy Barrick
- |_ Keslyn's
- |_ La-D-Da
- |_ Lavender & Lace
- |_ Les Petites Croix De Lucie
- |_ Lila's Studio
- |_ Lindy Stitches
- |_ Little House Needleworks
- |_ Little Robin Designs
- |_ Little Stitch Girl
- |_ Lizzie Kate
- |_ Lola Crow
- |_ Lucy Beam Love in Stitches
- |_ Luhu Stitches
- |_ Luminous Fiber Arts
- |_ Madame Chantilly
- |_ Madame la Fee
- |_ Mani di Donna
- |_ Meridian Designs
- |_ Michelle Ink
- |_ Mill Hill
- |_ Mirabilia
- |_ Miss Prim
- |_ Modern Folk Embroidery
- |_ Mojo Stitches
- |_ Montcello Stitches
- |_ MTV Cross Stitch Designs
- |_ My Big Toe
- |_ My Sister's Samplers
- |_ myfanny
- |_ Needle Bling Designs
- |_ Needle Work Press
- |_ Needlemade Designs
- |_ New York Dreamer
- |_ Niky's Creations
- |_ Nimue
- |_ Nora Corbett
- |_ Northern Expressions Needlework
- |_ Noteworthy Needle
- |_ Olde Willow Stitchery
- |_ Pansy Patch Quilts and Stitchery
- |_ Petal Pusher
- |_ Pigeon Coop
- |_ Pineberry Lane
- |_ Pixel Pixie Cross Stitch
- |_ Plum Street Samplers
- |_ Praiseworthy Stitches
- |_ Primrose Cottage Stitches
- |_ Puntini Puntini
- |_ Quaint Rose NeedleArts
- |_ QueenBee Handmade
- |_ Queenstown Sampler Designs
- |_ Raise the Roof
- |_ Rebel Stitcher Designs
- |_ Red Barn Samplers
- |_ Reflets de Soie
- |_ Remembering ByGone Stitches
- |_ Romy's Creations
- |_ Ronnie Rowe Designs
- |_ Rosewood Manor
- |_ Rosie & Me
- |_ Rovaris
- |_ Running with Needles & Scissors
- |_ Salty Stitcher Designs
- |_ Sam Sarah Designs
- |_ Sambrie Stitches Designs
- |_ Samplers and Primitives
- |_ Samplers Not Forgotten
- |_ Sara
- |_ Satsuma Street
- |_ Scattered Seed Samplers
- |_ ScissorTail Designs
- |_ Serenita Di Campagna
- |_ Shakespeares Peddler
- |_ Shannon Christine Designs
- |_ Shepherd's Bush
- |_ Silver Creek Samplers
- |_ Stacy Nash Primitives
- |_ Stitches By Ethel
- |_ Stitching Jules Design
- |_ Stitching Studio, The
- |_ Stitchy Prose
- |_ Stoney Creek
- |_ Sue Hillis Designs
- |_ Summer House Stitche Workes
- |_ Sweet Wing Studio
- |_ Teresa Kogut
- |_ The Bee Cottage
- |_ The Blackberry Rabbit
- |_ The Blue Flower
- |_ The Calico Confectionery
- |_ The Cricket Collection
- |_ The Drawn Thread
- |_ The Mindful Needle
- |_ The Nebby Needle
- |_ The Needle's Notion
- |_ The Prairie Schooler
- |_ The Primitive Hare
- |_ The Proper Stitcher
- |_ The Scarlett House
- |_ The Snowflower Diaries
- |_ Thistles
- |_ Thread Milk Design
- |_ Threadwork Primitives
- |_ tinymodernist
- |_ Twin Peak Primitives
- |_ Val's Stuff
- |_ Violets & Verses
- |_ Waxing Moon Designs
- |_ White Lyon Needleart Designs
- |_ Wiehenburg Design
- |_ Wildflower Stitching
- |_ Willow Hill Samplings
- |_ Works By ABC
- Fabric and Perforated Paper->
- Floss and Fibers->
- Frames
- GaRon Finishing Fabrics
- GaRon Grime Guards->
- GaRon Replacement Tags
- GaRon T-Shirts, Key Chain
- GaRon TottenBags - Project Bags
- Hoops and Q-Snaps
- Mad for Plaid - Project Bag
- Needle Minders, Scissor Fob
- Needles, Needle Cases
- Rolaframe
- Scissors, Cases and Fobs
- Stickers
- Gift Certificates
Samplers and Primitives
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It's Christmas Time
Stitch count: 122w x 91h Floss: Classic Colorworks - Ginger Snap, Barn Door DMC - 520, 562, 563, 746, 758, 890, 920, 3777, B5200 Gentle Arts Sampler...
$14.00Login to Shop
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Stitch count: 127w x 104h Fabric used: Cream and Sugar by Fiber on a Whim Floss: DMC - 356, 733, 3011, 3777
$14.00Login to Shop
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The Autumn Alphabet
Size: 114w X 92h stitches. Recommended Fabric: linen or evenweave, color: cream. Floss: DMC - 300, 422, 434, 632, 676, 677, 680, 722, 733, 738, 739,...
$14.00Login to Shop
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The Autumn Quakers
Sizes: 103w X 115h and 83w X 74h stitches. Recommended fabrics: white and beige color linens. Floss: DMC - 01, 300, 422, 434, 471, 472, 580, 581,...
$15.00Login to Shop
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The Forest Sampler
Size of design: 129w X 218h stitches. Floss: Classic Colorworks - Persimmon, Blushing Beauty, Barn Door DMC - 522, 610, 611, 612, 677, 746, 898, 924,...
$18.00Login to Shop
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The Thanksgiving Sampler
Size of design: 165w X 220h stitches. Recommended Fabric: linen or evenweave, color – cream, vintage, light exemplar. Floss: DMC, The Gentle Arts...
$20.00Login to Shop
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Winter Blessings
Stitch count: 124w x 99h Fabric used: Cream and Sugar by Fiber on a Whim Floss: DMC - 356, 730, 732, 733, 3012, 3013, 3777 Gentle Arts Sampler...
$14.00Login to Shop
New Products For February - Cross Stitch Patterns
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